Frequently Asked Questions

Common to both types of girl boy shoots

We pay real-life male-female couples to have sex on camera. We publish the shoot on our website, abbywinters.com. Our customers buy individual shoots or a subscription to our site. We call it human-friendly porn.

We make two types of Girl-Boy shoots.

Production Girl-Boy shoots are where we fly the couple to our Shoot Producers in Amsterdam (Netherlands) or Barcelona (Spain), and make the shoot over two days, shot for stills and video. We’d also like to make shoots of the female model alone (more info) on some other shoot days, though that’s not a requirement.

Postcard Girl-Boy shoots are where the couple makes the shoot at home on their own (but with a lot of guidance and support from us).

There are several factors that affect how we decide what type of Girl-Boy shoot we make with a given couple, and the couple’s own preference is one of those factors. In some cases, we may offer both types to a couple, at our discretion.

For a Postcard girl-boy sex shoot, we pay €350 per person.

For a Production girl-boy sex shoot over two 5-hour days, we pay €750 per person – €1,500 to a couple (around US$1,700). For reals.

Seems “too good to be true”? It’s not. We do pay at the high end (and we’ve never heard anyone pay males as much as females!), but we have built a brand over the last 23 years with many loyal customers who want exactly what we make. That’s win-win-win!

We’re a Dutch company, so we pay in Euro. Edit this Google search to see what our shoot fee is in your currency (you bank will convert it to your local currency when you receive the money from us).

“I think the most surprising thing about having sex on camera, was just how natural it felt. It was exactly as fun as we’d hoped it’d be and it just felt right. 😀” (Lars, Dec 2022)

Well, we like to think we’re quite different to “mainstream” porn, partly because we make shoots with real-life couples, but also because our style and approach is different. Some examples of common “tropes” and how we do it include:

    • No aggressive overtones
      • We work to cover a loving encounter. That does not mean it’s all butterflies and lace handkerchiefs! There’s plenty of hardcore passion.
    • No spitting and slapping
      • Licking his fingers, sure. Spitting on her pussy (or in her mouth!), not so much. We’re down with moderate (consensual) power-play, but we’re not a fetish site.
    • No rush – we do not shoot as many scenes in the shortest possible time, to save money
      • We do the opposite: One scene spread over two days, so it’s nice and relaxed.
    • No shooting in Los Angeles mansions; glass, tiles and steel
      • We’d prefer to shoot in your home, or if that’s not possible, outside in a park. Or someone else’s house that’s familiar and domestic.
    • No fake moans and groans
      • We encourage you to have sex the way you normally might. Those fake moans are sooo lame.
    • No fake boobs, fake eyelashes, makeup, 5” heels, ‘roided bro-dudes
      • Just regular people, dressed normally
    • No lame “scripts” (pizza delivery, plumber fixing a thing, etc)
      • We’ll set up a basic low-key premise that suits your style and habits. Maybe she’s reading a book on the couch, and he comes in after a shower? We’re going for more naturalistic situations.
    • No “Blonde teen with massive tits gets smashed by huge cock!!”
      • “Angela and Ben have sex on the sofa.”
    • No fee minimisation – paying models as little as possible; men paid 50% of women’s fee
      • We pay both models the same high fee.

“My only worry was that I had surgery and I used an insulin pump. So I was a little bit worried that you guys want me to remove things from my body, but when I spoke to Giulia [Shoot Producer], she said something that really made me comfortable. She said we don’t want to do anything that would put you or your health at risk.” (Andres, Oct 2022)

While we are making porn, it’s a very specific type, unlike perhaps 90% of other porn out there.

Our customers want to see two young people in love, make love.

Common porn tropes are specifically what our customers don’t want. That means, no spitting, slapping, lame dirty talk, no big hair, high heels, fake moans (here’s a specific list of what we don’t do). Also, check out the images and sample videos on this site to get a feel for what we’re doing.

So while we encourage you to be enthusiastic, this is not the place to act out your fave porn moves. 🙏🏻

You both must:

  • Be over 18 (with government-issued photo ID to prove it)
  • Genuinely enthusiastic about our project
  • Healthy
  • Speaking English well
  • Preferred to have no previous experience adult modelling
  • Preferred to have no (or, removable) body piercings (ears are fine)

Our shoots are mostly about the female model (our audience is mostly male), so – this is awkward! 😳 – we’re mostly concerned with how she looks.

She must:

  • Naturally female
  • 18 to 24 years old
  • Attractive and feminine
  • Have no tattoos (or very minimal)
  • Height-weight proportionate
  • Preferred to have no body modifications (eg, breast implants)
  • Preferred to have full pubic hair; underarm hair preferred

We do not have strict requirements for how men look, other than they must be over 18.

While we’re pretty inclusive, there are some attributes that are less-favorable to us.

Heavy tattooing, being severely over- or under-weight are the main issues, but the female being over our age preferences can also be an issue. We only make girl-boy shoots of cisgender people.

Couples who are professional (or pro-am) porn performers are usually not suitable for this project. For example;

  • You’ve made 5+ paid girl-boy sex shoots
  • You appear on camming sites regularly having sex
  • You work in a live sex theatre having sex on stage

We’re really looking for amateur couples, but all applicants are seriously considered.

Actually, that’s perfect for us!

We’re not so in to making shoots of existing porn performers (that being said, we may be able to work something out – let us know). For newcomers, we’ll support you both each step of the way. Check out the How it works page for a step-by-step on the lead up to the shoot, and what happens on the Shoot days exactly.

Our Shoot Producers are experts in working with first-timers, to make sure they understand what’s going on and have plenty of input on the shoot days.

If that’s what you guys normally do, that’s fine.

But generally we prefer the male cum inside the female’s vagina. Some cum will dribble out – that’s a common fetish our customers have! (charmingly called a “creampie” 🥧).

Anal sex is never required, but if you are both down, our customers love to see it!

Or just some light anal play on her is fine as well.

No worries – we make type of shoot called a Postcard, where you make a girl-boy shoot at home that we provide a lot of guidance for, then you send it to us (like a postcard, get it?).


We’re making material for our customers and our fundamental goal is to show real people having sex they way they really do… but we have to balance that with satisfying most our customers (so they stay our customers!).

For example, we’re not a BDSM site, but some light BDSM play in some parts of the shoot is fine. But a whole shoot that’s BDSM-themed is not right for us.

There are also some things we’re ethically opposed to (violence-related sex acts are the main issue here), and safety issues to consider (you can’t be drunk or under the influence of recreational drugs).

Chat with us about it before the shoot, and we can likely come to a solution that suits you and us.

We electronically send the money to your bank accounts (sometimes called a “wire”, or “EFT”) the next business day after the shoot. We can send both models’ fees to one person’s bank account if you prefer.

We cannot offer PayPal (they do not allow transactions for “adult services”), or cash.

First, you never have to do something you don’t want to do! It’s also possible that making a shoot with us is not right for you, and that’s fine.

There are a few basic requirements we have before we consider a shoot to be complete and models can be paid. In a nutshell, we need a usable shoot for the website. Requirements include:

  • Signed Release forms (and Contracts, if the shoot occurs in Netherlands)
  • A commitment from both models to make an excellent shoot
  • Passionate kissing
  • Giving and receiving oral sex
  • Penis-in-vagina sex
  • An orgasm for him for stills (Production type only)
  • An orgasm each for video

If there are specific things you don’t want to do – even if it’s on the list above – discuss it with us, and we’ll try to work something out.


Here’s the thing… our customers pay us so we can pay you. We gotta make what customers want – essentially, a fantasy – and while maybe there are some condom fetishists out there, the huge majority of our customers are not. Basically no one fantasises about having sex with a condom, right? 🤨

We’re all for safe sex, and we encourage couples to get a thorough STI test before their shoot if they normally use condoms for STI-transmission reasons. ⚕️

Our rules on condom usage are strict, and are a “deal-breaker” for us. 😐

The good news is, there are many good alternatives for birth control.

We’ll edit the shoot together, and release it on our site abbywinters.com. It’s award winning and consistently rated as one of the best adult websites in the world for the last 23 years.

Customers pay a monthly fee (or a per-scene fee) to access.

Some parts of the shoot will be used to promote our site, on other sites. Most girl-boy shoots will appear on limited-release DVD’s in North America and Europe.

You need to Apply together, we’ll make sure you’re right for us (and you need to make sure we’re right for you!), then we can schedule it in!

You can apply right here on our site, but you’ll need to both be at the same computer to do it.

Here’s what happens when you Apply:

  • Your application details are securely recorded in our Models Database
  • We make an initial assessment of your application – do you guys basically seem to be right for us?
  • Maybe we ask one of you for some more information that you did not supply originally (for example, contextual images of your tattoos)
  • We ask you to complete an informational questionnaire each;
    • This has some questions aimed at women only, and some assuming you’re applying for a solo modelling position. You can skip those bits.
    • We provide some info around “posing levels”, payment, show you the Release contract you’d need to sign
    • We ask you questions about you (for example, about your pubic hair, eye colour, etc)
    • This info is again securely stored in our Models Database
  • We organise a 20-minute phone call (at our expense) with each of you separately, where we answer your questions, and ask a few more questions, and we take notes.
  • You take some test shots of each other, that meet our requirements
  • Now we have gathered a bunch of info about you, we assess your suitability for our site
  • We let you know our decision
  • We decide if the shoot will be a Postcard or Production

From then, check the How it works page.

Possibly – you might have noticed, there’s a lot of videos of people having sex on the internet? 😉

While we run a “pay site” – meaning people have to pay to see the full scene – we will use some of your scene as promotional material to help us find new customers (so we can afford to pay you!).

Overall, it’s possible people will find out you’ve done this. If that would ruin your life / cause you to lose your job / something else bad, we recommend you do not do this because it cannot be “un done”.

But also consider, it’s something you want to do, that makes you happy, is a natural and loving thing to do… do you really want to work for a company or be friends with someone who’s against that?

We want to capture two people in love, make love.

We can tell if you guys are trying to fake us out, but if you really appear like you’re really in love that’s good enough for us (but that means, of course, you prolly are in love! aww 😍 👫 😘 💖💍 🔔 💒  👰 🎊 🤰 👪 🤰👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 ).

If you don’t currently have a suitable partner, this shoot is not for you right now. When you do have a partner, let us know, and we can talk about it then. No rush – we’ve been here for 23 years, so we can wait for you to find your Special One.

We do have opportunities for individual females to work with us – more info on our female model recruitment site. We’re not able to offer any work to single men, however.

If you’re in a polyamorous relationship, we should be able to work something out – let’s talk about it.

As described in the above FAQ answer, What happens after we apply?, there’s a process we go through so you learn more about us, while we learn more about you.

It’s all no-obligation, so we reckon you should just Apply to find out more. 🙂 If you decide it’s not for you at any stage, it’s no problem – we only want to make shoots with people who really want to celebrate their love with us, so there’s never any pressure.

But to learn more about us, you could:

If you are planning to apply as a couple, I would say  you have to be really sure of what you want to do, and that you really feel a certain excitement about it. Even if you are nervous it’s fine because not everybody is in front of a camera every day. Maybe try to fill your intimacy first to see if it’s really exciting for you. Even if it’s not the same because afterwards there is a third person. Also, to have very clear the communication with your partner, because I really think that if you do something so close to the privacy and intimacy of a couple, and you do it not sure, or maybe one is pushing a lot and you are just saying OK OK let’s do it, you want to comply with it, but finally you don’t really like it, would have very bad consequences in the long term. It should be the opposite, should be something pleasant for the couple.(Brian V, Nov 2022)

Typically, there’s a month or two from when you apply, to when we make the shoot of you guys. It’s no problem to change your mind during that process.

Directly after the shoot, we have a five-day cooling-off period. You’d return the modelling fees, and we’ll destroy the shoot (and associated Release forms). Note this only applies to the first shoot a model makes with us, so if the female model has done some other shoots with us previously, the 5-day cooling off period won’t apply to this shoot.

After that – even if you break up – the shoot cannot be removed from the site. Other couples who made shoots with us but have since broken up have told us that while they’re no longer close, they still find the shoot of them in love at the time is nice to have. So there’s that.

In addition to the girl-boy shoot, the female of the couple would likely be offered paid work in Solo shoots, and in shoots with other female models – it’s up to her to choose to do this or not.

We only make one Production girl-boy shoot per couple (but if you break up and find new partners who’d like to make shoots with us, we can probably do that 🥃).

We may also choose to make a Postcard shoot of the same couple who has already made a Production shoot 9and vice versa), but that depends on a few factors.


First, check this FAQ about the application process itself;

What happens after we apply?

Once we’ve onboarded you, we may offer her a Solo shoot first. This helps us get to know her, before we pay for fly and accommodate both of you to a city where we make the shoot.

This may not be a requirement, and like all the shoots we make, you choose if you want to participate or not. Refusing a Solo shoot for her may mean we cannot offer a girl-boy Production shoot right now for logistical reasons – but a Postcard may be a possibility.

You sure can do stuff on your own – please see our individual female model recruitment site, modelfor.abbywinters.com!

We do not make shots of female models with random dudes.

No, we do not have any opportunities for individual men to make shoots with us. We only make shoots with men when they are with their real-life female partner.

If you’re from India or Pakistan, we have some special info for you, written by our CEO.

But you might be interested in helping us find models.

No, once the shoot is made, we edit it then release it on our site.

But, you get free access to the site, so you can check it out, and we’ll let you know when it’s live.

Girl-boy shoots we make are mostly about the female model – our customers are mostly heterosexual men, and want to imagine having sex with the female model themselves.  When we shoot a scene we work to have as little of her partner on-screen as possible.

That being said, when two people have sex, it’s pretty much impossible to not show both of them! As a rough guide, about two-thirds of the scene will show mostly the female, and one third will show the male and female.

Our aim is to show the love between the couple from the female’s perspective, and his “reflected love” in her eyes. Perhaps this sounds a bit cold-and-calculating to you? Check out our girl-boy shoots and see how it looks. We reckon it’s actually pretty nice!

There are many forms of birth protection to consider.

  • We all know about condoms, but they may not be used in our girl-boy shoots (more info).
  • The pill (oral contraceptive) is a common method of birth control, but for some women this medication can have unwanted side-effects.
  • A contraceptive patch is a small sticky patch that releases hormones into your body through your skin to prevent pregnancy.
  • A Contraceptive implant is a small flexible plastic rod that’s placed under the skin in your upper arm by a doctor or nurse. It releases the hormone progestogen into your bloodstream to prevent pregnancy and lasts for 3 years.
  • A contraceptive injection releases the hormone progestogen into your bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. It lasts for 13 weeks, then another injection is required (Depo-Provera is a common brand of this medicine).
  • An Intrauterine device (IUD) is a small T-shaped plastic and copper device that’s put into your womb (uterus) by a doctor or nurse. It releases copper to stop you getting pregnant, and protects against pregnancy for between 5 and 10 years.
  • A Vaginal ring is a small soft, plastic ring that you place inside your vagina. It releases a continuous dose of the hormones oestrogen and progestogen into the bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. It’s worn for 21 days, removed for 7, then a new one is self-inserted.

The UK’s National Health Service gives an excellent overview of the options that we have summarised here.

These methods take time to organise and to become effective, but certainly there’s no rush from our side.

We definitely recommend consulting your doctor to get the best advice for you.

For Production girl-boy shoots

“The thing I was initially nervous about was how working with the AW crew would be since I’d never done anything like this before and I didn’t know how having sex with any kind of direction would be. But this nervousness was really gone from the first intake with the amazing Masie [at the time, a Model Liaison and Shoot Producer – now she’s our Shoot Producer Trainer – Ed.]. Honestly, after that first meeting, I wasn’t particularly nervous about any part of it. And the way AW works, with the scene being completely unscripted made it very relaxed. It was really great how Masie and [Shoot Producer] Nichole gave us some pointers on what would work well on camera to make us feel we’d look sexy and then gave us all the room to do what we wanted.” (Lars, Dec 2022)

We’ll capture you having sex twice, once on each day (Day 1, stills; Day 2, video). Both days are similar overall.

Generally, we want to film you guys having sex how you normally do, with some small variations to make sure our cameras can see what’s happening. Typically, there’d be lots of kissing and foreplay, giving and receiving oral sex on each other, and penis-in-vagina sex. We might also propose some positions / activities for you guys to consider.

We’ll shoot everything in wide shots (that is, showing both your bodies) and for close-ups.

Our How it works page has a lot more detail on this – check it out.


On Day 1, it’ll just be you guys and our Shoot Producer taking photographs. On Day 2, our Shoot Producer and their second-camera person (video is shot with two cameras) is present.

No one else will be present on-set.

The shooting with Giulia [Shoot Producer] was very good, she was very professional according to me, she really explained everything very well, she made us feel very comfortable. For my partner it was not the first time shooting so she looked more like trained, like ‘okay I know how it goes’ but for me, it was the first time. Giulia was making sure that I understood everything she presented a good relation towards as she made the atmosphere feel very very comfortable which was a great beginning at least for me or first experience so it was really nice. I really enjoyed the experience and the way Giulia dealt with it was really nice.” (Brian V, Nov 2022)
Learn more about how the shoot day works.

We have Shoot Producers around the world, but only some are qualified to make Girl-Boy shoots – in Barcelona, Spain or Amsterdam, Netherlands.

If you don’t live in those cities, we may fly you to one of those cities, from wherever you are in the world.

Once you’ve applied and been approved to shoot, you would need to organise your passports and visas (at your expense, but we can provide advice). We would book the most direct and cost-effective flights. We’d put you up in a nice AirBNB for the duration. Usually there’s a rest day after you arrive, and two shoot days.

We choose to offer some additional shoots to the female model.

Some couples use this free trip as an opportunity to explore Europe on their own, which is fine with us – we’d book a return flight whenever you like (but only from the same city we flew you in to).

First up, to be clear, he is not expected to be rock hard for the entire 5-7 hours of each shoot day!

Not being able to get an erection when you want is officially called Erectile Dysfunction (ED), and can vary in severity. Certainly, having sex in an unusual place in front of others – with cameras – is enough to make anyone anxious! We do what we can to minimise that with a series of warm-ups before the shoot, and keeping the environment low-pressure and casual throughout.

If ED is often a problem for you, we encourage you to seek help from a doctor. There are some excellent options available.

On the day, if it comes up (sorry, couldn’t resist!), our policy is to try stopping recording and leave the couple alone for a while to work on the problem with no distractions. Or maybe it’s time for a meal break?

There are also options to continue the shoot and do some other stuff that does not involve an erect penis. We’re sure that you can think of something, and your Shoot Producer also has a plan for this.

Finally, if you expect this to be a problem, that’s a good reason to start with a Postcard type shoot, where you can take the whole thing at your own pace. Let us know, and we’ll work towards that.

Officially, this is called Premature Ejaculation (PE), and it’s a problem for us making shoots like this – not to mention for the couple themselves. As for ED (above), if this is a chronic problem for you there are some good solutions out there to help – speak to your doctor – don’t be shy, you deserve an awesome sex life!

During the shoot, it’s absolutely no problem to slow it down or pause entirely to reduce stimulation, but being conscious of when you’re close to the point-of-no-return is necessary for this to work. Might need some practise (tough job).

Depending on your refractory period (how long after an orgasm until you can get an erection again), a break may be all that’s necessary, and you’ll be somewhat desensitised as well so the next session you may be able to hold it for longer.

But, typically we’d just work on some other activities that do not require an erect penis (there’s plenty!), and re-try the erect-penis stuff later in the day. Or, we could stop the shoot there, and try again on the the video day tomorrow (shoot stills in the morning). That can get tricky, but Shoot Producers can be flexible like this usually.

When we have sex, we tend to have a lot of our bodies touching, because it feels so good (so, so good!).

But when filming sex, our customers want to see what feels good, and that can mean some body-separation is necessary. The classic example is for penis-in-vagina sex; in most sex positions, his hips cover up the actual penis going in and out of the vagina – you guys can feel it for sure, but no one else can actually see it.

For this reason, sometimes on shoots our Shoot Producer will ask you to cheat the position (more info). Cheating is a common technique in all sorts of performance, not just porn.

A practical example might be not penetrating her vagina so deeply, or penetrating her vagina from an angle, so the camera can see the details of the penis going in and out of the vagina (and thus, so our customers can). When customers can see exactly what’s happening, they can relate to it better, and feel more like they are there, in the scene with the female model.

The Production Girl-Boy shoots we make are shot over two days – Day 1 is stills, and Day 2 is for video. Each day is usually 5 to 6 hours on-set.

No worries, that does not mean you’ll be actually having sex for 5 to 6 hours! There’s a lot of setup and preparation and chatting to make sure that when you are having sex, it’s in a way that’s comfortable for you, and can be captured by our cameras. So we’ll do some “play acting”, clothed, of some sex positions and check the light and camera angles, for example. We’ll spend time shooting a “premise” (some context for the shoot, showing the female model alone first, doing some kind of activity).

We’re aware that men’s penises don’t always cooperate at the best of times, and being on-set with others and lights and cameras and stop-starting is not always helpful for maintaining an erection – more info (conversely, coming too early can also be a problem – more info).

While we have a few techniques to use when that happens, spreading the work out over two days allows time for everyone  to take break and relax – there’s never any rush or pressure. The shoot days are guided entirely by the models’ preferences and readiness.

It’s possible there’ll be a bit of a mess at the end of the scene perhaps some semen or female ejaculate or even pee or blood on the surfaces where sex was happening.

It’s our policy that the Shoot Producer provides equipment for cleaning up, but the models do the actual cleaning (if it’s necessary).

We’re not cleaning a crime scene here 👮! Typically, this is simply;

  1. Soak or wipe up fluids with a paper towel or toilet paper, dispose of in trash can or toilet
  2. Spraying some cleaning fluid on the area, wipe down with a wet rag
  3. Rinse rag, wipe down the area again
  4. Rinse rag

For Postcard girl-boy shoots

You guys apply and request to make a girl-boy Postcard shoot with us.

You do some reading and watching together to learn what we’re seeking, and share some of your hobbies and sex practises.

We make a Shoot Plan with you with your ideas and our ideas, for each of several small scenes – maybe you head out for a nice meal, have a picnic at the beach, ride a bike in a park, go roller skating, or something like that. Then you come home and do something small and “domestic” together –  make a sandwich, hang out the washing to dry. Then, something a little sexual and playful – a massage, sexy charades, penis puppets. Then several sex acts (maybe, blowjob, tit-fucking, cunnilingus, penis-in-vagina A, penis in vagina B, orgasm, cuddle, clean up).

That’s a bunch of examples, and we try to make each one quite different and interesting and with a lot of input from you.

We provide a lot of tips for the lighting and filming (your smartphone is probably fine), and we might send you some equipment (a cheapie smartphone tripod or similar), and tips on making a fun narrative.

When you’re done shooting the plan, you upload the video files to us, we review them, and we might ask you for some “pickups” – extra shots for things that did not work out right in the original filming.

Then there’s some paperwork, payment, and we’re done!